Monday, October 5, 2009

First Day on Dialysis

My first day (October 5,2009) was at 6.00 pm which lasted for about an hour and a half.The dialysis went on good without any problem.When i was plugged into the machine i was apprehensive about what was going to happen.When the blood flows out of the body i did not come to know anything.When the blood gets dialyized and gets back to your body is when u feel something is going on cold for just a moment.After that it was smooth sailing.Watched a movie while on the machine and had a good laugh.Met Dr Poornima who is on dialysis for 7 years.It was nice to talk to her.

Dialysis is not evil or to be feared as it is potrayed by some.There are some life adjustments to be made.Life is more precious than anything else.The only way to deal with this kind of situation is having a positive attitude and never give up attitude, no matter how it is.I will live a quality life and be happy.

My wife kiran is there by my side in this hour and i am always thankful for that.My family has been very supportive especially my mother,brother and sister-in-law.My friends have been very accommadating & supportive.

So far so good.Will post later.